Statbar VBX Status Bar Custom Control For Visual Basic and Visual C++ Version 2.3 Copyright (c) 1994 - 1995, WingedAxe SoftWare, Inc. All rights reserved. ****************** README.TXT ****************** NOTICE!!! DUE TO CHANGES IN THE UNDERLYING CODE, STATBAR VBX VERSION 2.3 IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH VERSIONS PRIOR TO 2.0 YOU SHOULD REMOVE THE OLD STATBAR.VBX FROM YOUR PROJECTS AND REPLACE IT WITH THE NEWER VERSION. WE FEEL THE ADDED STATBILITY AND FUNCTIONALITY OF THE NEW VERSION ARE WORTH THE MINOR INCONVIENIENCE. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT. PLEASE CONTACT US AND LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. This file contains important information you will need to know upon installing and using Statbar VBX. This ZIP file conatins the following files: STATBAR.VBX - The Status Bar Custom Control. DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THIS FILE! STATBAR.VBR - REGISTERED VER ONLY. The Runtime version of Statbar.VBX. Rename this File to STATBAR.VBX and include it with your application. You have a license to distribute this file with your applications. STATBAR.HLP - Statbar VBX Windows help file. STATBAR.BAS - Visual Basic source code. Includes declarations for all Statbar VBX APIs. README.TXT - This text file. Statbar VBX is not, and has never been, public domain software, nor is it free software. TO REGISTER: BULLETIN!!!!! Registration of Statbar VBX version 2.3 entitles you to a FREE BETA COPY of Statbar OCX Version when it is completed!!! Use Compuserve's SWREG Forum! GO SWREG Statbar VBX is # 3947 Just $10! OR Send a check or money order payable to Ric Perrott for $10 + $2 S&H to: WingedAxe SoftWare, Inc. 829 Ninth Avenue Suite 3C New York, NY 10019 Please Include E-Mail address for Electronic Distribution or state disk size preference 3.5" or 5.25" We can also be reached via Compuserve: Compuserve ID: 73764,3540 Or America Online: Thank you for purchasing STATBAR VBX version 2.3!!!